Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Sandplay Therapy For Children To Help Psychic Develop[ement
by Brokeback Watchtower inenjoy.
there are all types of therapy out there take a look at this one..
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm thinking perhaps this might be a good way to help Jehovah Witness children who have been betrayed by Governing Body and been molested by a pedophile to overcome it and live normal of better lives after the incident. -
Has Gerrit Loesch of the Governing Body been in any more monthly broadcast since he refused to honor a court subpoena?
by Brokeback Watchtower injust wondering?
he denied being in subjection to the the watchtower corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast.
Brokeback Watchtower
Just wondering? He denied being in subjection to the the Watchtower Corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast. -
Would you warn your neighbors if a child molester lived on your street?
by Stealth injust found out that someone who lives 4 doors down was convicted of molesting a 4 year old child twice.
the second time was after he was arrested and released on bond from the first arrest.
having two 4 year old children living in my home, i am concerned.
Brokeback Watchtower
No because it is up to the parents and where I live they have a sex offends list.
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Favorite Music Video
by WildTurkey in.
what is your favorite music video?
after shes my cherry pie, i like foo fighters learn to fly
Sandplay Therapy For Children To Help Psychic Develop[ement
by Brokeback Watchtower inenjoy.
there are all types of therapy out there take a look at this one..
Brokeback Watchtower
Enjoy. There are all types of therapy out there take a look at this one.
The Devouring Mother Archetype(jungian) And the Watchtower Corporation's Self Identification As Mother And Jehovah As Father
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe devouring mother must be always listen to and obeyed it is the negative side of the anima image and it rules over the watchtower corporation.
jehovah(corporation's imaginary sock puppet) is the father figure with his masculine macho swagger he gains victory over every detractor and his huge narcissistic personality demands exclusive devotion from everyone or it's the death penalty, he suffers from an inflated ego and has a very dark and evil shadow due to denial of his dark nature/satan(scape goat).
the children or rank and file pee on dedicated members of the corporation must now engage in worthless pursuits to satisfy a mood swinging domineering mother and a murderous self righteous father all the while being shown a very contemptible form of conditional love, accompanied with constant death threat reminders and a carrot on a sting to keep them focused on such and busy with worthless pursuits for a hopeless cause.
Brokeback Watchtower
Yeah I read your other post. Jungian psychology is still practiced today it has not been discredited just type in Jungian analyst with your zip code and you will find it is still use in psychoanalysis.
Thanks for the link I don't see anything in the link that would even suggest that his form of analytical psychology has been out dated.
For those that are interested I provide this link about archetypes:
Jung took the inner life seriously. He believed that dreams are not just a random jumble of associations or repressed wish fulfilments. They can contain truths for the individual concerned. They need interpreting, but when understood aright, they offer a kind of commentary on life that often acts as a form of compensation to what the individual consciously takes to be the case. A dream Jung had in 1909 provides a case in point.
He was in a beautifully furnished house. It struck him that this fine abode was his own and he remarked, "Not bad!" Oddly, though, he had not explored the lower floor and so he descended the staircase to see. As he went down, the house got older and darker, becoming medieval on the ground floor. Checking the stone slabs beneath his feet, he found a metal ring, and pulled. More stairs led to a cave cut into the bedrock. Pots and bones lay scattered in the dirt. And then he saw two ancient human skulls, and awoke.
Jung interpreted the dream as affirming his emerging model of the psyche. The upper floor represents the conscious personality, the ground floor is the personal unconscious, and the deeper level is the collective unconscious – the primitive, shared aspect of psychic life. It contains what he came to call archetypes, the feature we shall turn to now. They are fundamental to Jung's psychology.
Archetypes can be thought of simply as structuring principles. For example, falling in love is archetypal for human beings. Everyone does it, at least once, and although the pattern is common, each time it feels new and inimitable.
Hence, Cleopatra was the lover of both Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, though Caesar fell in love with her when she appeared from the folds of a carpet, whereas what worked for Antony was her appearing resplendent in great state on a barge. "When an archetype is constellated, our whole body is engaged and its emotional arousal focuses and motivates us with a force that is very difficult to resist," writes John Ryan Haule.
A related feature of archetypes is that, while they shape our perceptions and behaviour, we only become conscious of them indirectly, as they are manifest in particular instances. It is rather like Schopenhauer and Kant's notion of the inaccessibility of the "thing-in-itself", upon which Jung drew: you can't experience archetypes directly but only when they are incarnated. This would explain why, for example, Buddhists tend not to have visions of Jesus, and Christians tend not to have visions of Siddhartha Gautama. Instead, religious believers relate to the archetype of the wise man via the images available to them in their culture (given, for the sake of argument, that wisdom is what Jesus or the Buddha represent).
The theory of archetypes is controversial, and Jung did not help himself in this respect. For one thing, he is not very consistent in his definition of archetypes – though he can perhaps be forgiven as he explicitly called himself a "borrower" of models and insights from other fields of knowledge, in his attempts to grapple with his own. Archetypes have also variously been accused of being Lamarckian and superfluous, on the grounds that cultural transmission provides an adequate explanation for the phenomena that Jung would put down to psychic universals. -
The Devouring Mother Archetype(jungian) And the Watchtower Corporation's Self Identification As Mother And Jehovah As Father
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe devouring mother must be always listen to and obeyed it is the negative side of the anima image and it rules over the watchtower corporation.
jehovah(corporation's imaginary sock puppet) is the father figure with his masculine macho swagger he gains victory over every detractor and his huge narcissistic personality demands exclusive devotion from everyone or it's the death penalty, he suffers from an inflated ego and has a very dark and evil shadow due to denial of his dark nature/satan(scape goat).
the children or rank and file pee on dedicated members of the corporation must now engage in worthless pursuits to satisfy a mood swinging domineering mother and a murderous self righteous father all the while being shown a very contemptible form of conditional love, accompanied with constant death threat reminders and a carrot on a sting to keep them focused on such and busy with worthless pursuits for a hopeless cause.
Brokeback Watchtower
The mother figure in mythology has both a dark side and a good side if we apply this anima/feminine figure to be our mother in the minds of the indoctrinated she good and nurturing(good mother) to the unindoctrinated and unbiased she is the mother from hell that will throw her kids under the bus to save herself.
The same applies to the animus figure or father.
Long before I knew about Jung, I knew about "animus". I didn't know what the name was, but I had known my animus for YEARS. There was the dark animus who had harassed me since I was ten. In my nightmares, this faceless man had chased me and threatened me and insisted I didn't look at him. I thought, as most would do at 10, that he was my bogeyman and it certainly didn't occur to me that he was a psychological complex and/or an archetype. Years later there were positive animus figures who showed up in my dreams and they completed me. With them, I felt strong, self-confident, smart and loved. Then I would wake up, crushed and completely lost without him. The details of some of my positive animus dreams have stayed with me longer than memories of actual men I have dated.
Just in case you don't know anima from anime, let me try to break this down for you. The first task of individuation, consciousness or just not being an unconscious git is to pull back our projections(link is external)(link is external) and become aware of our shadow(link is external)(link is external). Once we have done that, we then need to integrate the inner opposite gender aspect of ourselves. In fancy terms, we need to integrate our unconscious contrasexual nature, or we haven't become all we can be (I didn't intend to quote an Army commercial but my animus-inspired Muse made me do it). Men have anima figures that function as their soul, and women have animus figures.
The anima is something each guy has; no matter how butch or bad ass or unevolved he may be, he has an inner feminine even if he is completely disconnected from it When you think of anima, think of Dante's Beatrice, Jerry McGuire and the gal who completes him or the other one who makes him jump on the couch like it was a trampoline at a kid's birthday party, or that Twilighty vampire guy and the human he loves too much. These are literary versions of what happens internally. Dante needed his anima, his soul, or he was in hell. Jerry needed Renee Zellweger or he was just a soulless agent. Vampirey guy has no soul and so he needs Anima figure to get one (he also needs sunblock but that is a different post). And women have animus figures; this is really at the core of every romance novel. Heroines often explain of their hero, "He completes me." But the he that completes you is in fact an inner he; he is your animus.
Note to reader: please read the following passage from Jung in your head or out loud in a thick Swiss accent.
Every man carries within him the eternal image of woman, not the image of this or that particular woman, but a definite feminine image. This image is fundamentally unconscious, an hereditary factor of primordial origin engraved in the living organic system of the man, an imprint or "archetype" of all the ancestral experiences of the female, a deposit, as it were, of all the impressions ever made by woman-in short, an inherited system of psychic adaptation. Even if no women existed, it would still be possible, at any given time, to deduce from this unconscious image exactly how a woman would have to be constituted psychically. The same is true of the woman: she too has her inborn image of man.
"Marriage as a Psychological Relationship" (1925) In CW 17: The Development of thePersonality. P.338
The animus, according to Jung, is both a personal complex and an archetypal image that exists within all women. This is not easy stuff to boil down, so let me have my good friend Carl Gustav Jung say it for himself (and no he doesn't have a blog and you can't friend him on Facebook).
The animus is the deposit, as it were, of all woman's ancestral experiences of man-and not only that, he is also a creative and procreative being, not in the sense of masculinecreativity, but in the sense that he brings forth something we might call . . . the spermatic word.["Anima and Animus," CW 7, par. 336.]
The animus in women isn't so much a soul figure, as the anima is in men. The animus is more of an inner guy who is loaded "with fixed ideas, collective opinions and unconscious a priori assumptions that lay claim to absolute truth. In a woman who is identified with the animus (called animus-possession), Eros generally takes second place to Logo(link is external)(link is external)s." I was, prior to lots of work, such a gal. I had a serious animus complex. I tended to idealize the masculine and logos over the feminine and feeling. The animus is also a bridge to the Self (yikes, me trying to explain the Self (link is external)(link is external)could take a while. Suffice it to say the Self is what you are after in Jungian psychology and it is the more transcendent/trans-personal part of yourself). Here is what my dead and somewhat sexist friend and the Father of Analytic Psychology has to say on the subject:
Like the anima, the animus too has a positive aspect. Through the figure of the father he expresses not only conventional opinion but-equally-what we call "spirit," philosophical orreligious ideas in particular, or rather the attitude resulting from them. Thus the animus is a psychopomp, a mediator between the conscious and the unconscious and a personification of the latter.[Ibid., par. 33.]
That is the last I am going to quote Jung for a while because he had some serious issues about women with large animus figures. Really, it is almost unbearable to read his writings on the subject without wanting to cast aspersions on his manhood and suggest he get asports car and a Costco size vat of Viagra. I think it is safe to say that Jung he had a very small, ahem, *animus*. Truly, for a guy being surrounded by super smart women he had some serious biases about women. I know it was the time in which he lived, but it can still be hard to read his theories on women without occasionally wanting to throw out the Basel-born Jung with the bath water.
Differentiation is the key in working with animus. The animus tends to be bossy and opinionated and has answer for everything...mine certainly did/does. What one wants to do is differentiate the messages that come from you (the ego) and those that come from the animus; that way, you are conscious of where these messages come from and that gives you more freedom to take or leave the Old Testament truths that the animus likes to impose.
And since my animus was unusually large (before I learned to differentiate my animus), I had a hard time being around groups of women. This made attending grad school in my chosen field a little hard(as of late, Psychology has become a mostly female profession) and made it harder still to attend a conference given by Marion Woodman(link is external)(link is external), the grand poobah of Jungian Femininity, on the Feminine in which all of the attendants were garbed in shawls and gypsy skirts and Goddess necklaces. My animus was repulsed by the idea when I suggested we attend.
"Are you kidding me?" My animus asked. "This isn't for us. This is too touchy-feely. Where is the intellect? Where is the logic? Hell no, we won't go," it shouted in a chant of self-preservation.
There was a big part of me that agreed with my animus and wanted to hightail it out of the Hilton Ballroom in which this estrogen-rich event was set. However, I knew that my animus had been running the show for far too long, and at the time I was trying to learn about mothering, as most of my practice had been filled with college-aged girls who had mother wounds and my mother wound had left me feeling like it was MUCH better to identify with the masculine. I knew that Marion Woodman had something to teach me about the feminine. So I did some differentiation work with my animus. In my imagination, I booked my animus a suite at Caesar's Palace. I gave him cigars and booze and chips and gift certificates to steak houses and strip clubs. I told him to leave me alone for the weekend so I could get to know myself independent of him and that I would be back for him on Monday. My animus agreed. And it worked. This was the beginning of me differentiating from my animus. I began to see what thoughts, ideas and feelings were mine and which were from the animus. This was big and it was totally worth being a part of Shawl Fest 2006. That said, I am still pretty identified with my animus--only now my animus is more positive and not the dark one that so long tormented me. -
If the Governing Body members had to take a 'lie detector test' what questions would you recommend they are asked?
by Esse quam videri ini think it is reasonable for every leader or head of any organization that has control of peoples thinking and actions should, by law, submit to a lie detector test.
the results would be accessible to any one who had an interest in the matter.this test would be required before appointment to any position and on a yearly basis.
questions could be submitted to a competent and unbiased committee for approval.
Brokeback Watchtower
Put on a lie detector and ask them all kinds of question that get them to decompartmentalize stuff the they have compartmentalized and watch the needle go hay wire. Or questions that cause cognitive dissonance and you will torture them for days and months afterwards. -
An interesting theory on Stephen Lett
by joe134cd ininteresting theory i thought on stephen lett.
if anything i would of thought tomo3 would of caused them more grief with his comments..
Brokeback Watchtower
The guy is a serious clown for sure and I can see that this might spark off these type of rumors because people find him so embarrassing to watch and believe at the same time.
Let hope with all our hearts that it isn't true because all these guys are a bunch of delusional clowns making rediculous videos that expose themselves to the world for all to see that they are nuts and so are the people that follow them.
"Keeping up with Jehovah's Chariot"
by FusionTheism inclarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
Brokeback Watchtower
Here is a 5 second clip of the motion of Jehovah's Chariot now you must take it that a lot of these zigs and zags are many miles in length and dizzying to the eye: